Unit2- Managing a Music Product

Assignment 1:

Artistic intention 
Shenfield High School are doing a Christmas concert. As a team, Music BTEC students are recording and producing a CD as a memento for our target audience. We are also making this CD to raise funds for music department.

Target audience
We have identified our target audience as friends, family, teachers and students. We have chosen this particular selection for our target audience because students are performing, therefore it is a good opportunity for family members to see what they get up to during their extra-curricular clubs.

Selection of material
The photo below shows what students are recording which club. Myself and Ellie Barrington were chose to record Advanced Singers.

Equipment list:
  • 4 C1000 microphones.
  • XLR cables.
  • Headphones.
  • Zoom recorder.
  • 4 microphone stands.
Time constraints
Here is a timetable of deadlines for when things should be completed by. If we do not meet these deadlines then there will not be any CD's, because the CD has to be sent off to be made.
Awareness of copyright:

This is a copy of the schools Public Right Society licence, this is a UK copyright collection society and performance rights organisation undertaking collective rights management for musical works. The school needs this license so that they can perform music in public and to a public audience.

Assignment 2:

Planning Meetings;

First meeting

In our first planning meeting we discussed what product we were going to create. We all decided that we should create a CD for the Christmas Concert. During the meeting, we discussed who would record each of the extra-curricular clubs, the date that they should record and when they were to master their recording ready for production. It was decided that myself and Ellie Barrington were to record the Advanced Singers. Below is a photograph of what people are recording what groups on what dates. We were aided in this by Miss Raine.

It is very important to attend rehearsals so when it comes to the recording you will know where to place your equipment and how to use it. Unfortunately myself and my partner Ellie Barrington were unable to attend rehearsal due to an arranged day for all year 10 to be off timetable.

Second Meeting 

In our second meeting we discussed who was going to create which promotional material for the Christmas Concert CD. It was decided that everyone would participate in creating a poster for the Christmas Concert- votes were taken and the top 3 were merged together to produce the final poster, it was also decided that everyone would create a design to go on the front of the CD which linked in with the final poster design. We decided this because we wanted continuity within our Christmas Concert branding.

Third Meeting 

In our third meeting everyone bought their promotional material ideas (Christmas Concert posters and Christmas Concert CD designs). We decided as individuals the top 3 Christmas Concert posters we liked and decided on a design for the final Christmas Concert poster. We also decided on a CD design which would link in with the final poster design. Further, we discussed duplicating the CD will bring some costs and this will determine how much we sell the CD's for. I have researched 3 different companies and obtained quotes from each company for our CD duplication. My first quote came in at £132.00 for 100 CD's. If we were to sell our CD's at £3.00 each we would have to sell 44 CD's to cover our costs. Our 45th CD will start to bring us a profit.

As a group we have decided to sell our Cd's at £3.50 each or 2 for £5.00.

If we were to include the cost of flyers (£19.00) we would have to sell 50 CD's before we start making a profit, this is why we come to a conclusion to sell the CD's at £3.50 each or 2 for £5.00.

We used the budget above to help us calculate the money that we have spent and help us enable the calculation of how many CD's we needed to sell to start making a profit.

Preparation Visits:

The picture below shows where i have decided to place my microphones for the preparation visit.

Raw Audio

Final mix



Quotes for the leaflets and for the duplication

Monitor of progress CD
At the moment the profession of CD is behind schedule because people are missing meetings and recording and mastering sessions. This is bad because we won't have a CD to sell on the night of the Christmas Concert.

Assignment 3:

What is promotion?

Promotion is the publicising of a product or organisation to increase sales or public awareness. This can be done in a number of ways such as, brochures, flyers, posters, custom packaging, T-shirts and direct emails. There are a variety of different promotional material providing companies and organisations effective ways to reach out to their customers. The promotion material should be a well designed logo with colourful and a catchy slogan that will mesh with your companies brand.

What is successful promotion?
Successful Promotion of a product would result in high sales, lots of social media interest. For the promotion of the product to be successful, it needs to be aimed at it's correct target audience. 

Music industry strategies
The music industry currently promote artists in many different ways. The most commonly used is social media, as a huge amount of people use the networks Facebook and Twitter. These networks in particular make a big difference to the promotion of an artist because they are very popular. They also use TV shows such as X Factor to introduce the artist to success, not only does it introduce the artist to success but it also introduces them to a huge crowd of people which can lead them to be very well known. Another way that the music industry promotes artists is by creating adverts and radio interviews.

Why doesn't all promotion succeed?
Not all promotion succeeds. If the product is poor quality it will not make it to the sales regardless the promotion. Also if the product hasn't had enough said about it people will not buy it because the product doesn't have any ratings etc.

Online methods
CD distribution has changed over the years because most people find it easier to download music instead of buying a copy. Moreover it is faster and cheaper. You can also listen to music for free on some apps such as, Spotify and Playtube. This is good because you do not have to pay or use wifi.

Christmas Concert CD design

This is my design for the CD and the CD's cover.

The final Christmas Concert CD design

Christmas Concert poster

This is my design for the Christmas Concert poster to poromote people to come to Shenfield High School's Christmas Concert.

Final Christmas Concert poster

Christmas Concert CD promotion poster

This is my Christmas Concert CD promotional poster, this is to promote people to buy the Christmas Concert CD.

This is my Christmas Concert promotion poster. This is to promote people to buy the Christmas Concert tickets. 

I think the best promotional material was the CD display board. I think this because it was colourful and appealing because the display was in-keeping with the concert poster and the CD design. The main theme was designed and created by Ellie Barrington 
(a copy of this is included below).


Shenfield High School
Alexandra Lane
CM15 8RY

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Shenfield High School will be holding a Christmas Concert on the 17th and 18th of December, the tickets are £5.00 for an Adult and £2.50 for concessions. This will be held in the main hall at 7pm. The concert will feature all the extra curricular clubs, performing a selection of non festive and festive pieces.

You will also have the chance purchase the 2014 Christmas Concert CD. The CD has been recorded and produced by the BTEC Music Technology students. It will feature all the Christmas pieces that will be performed at the Christmas Concert and will be an ideal memoir or present for a friend or family member. The CD will be priced at £3.50 each or 2 for the bargain price of £5.00. You can purchase this on the Concert night or are available in X19. 

We look forward to seeing you at the concert,

Tamzin Penson.

Article for school newsletter
We are holding a Christmas Concert on the 17th and 18th of December, tickets will be available in the music office X19 for £5.00 for adults and £3.50 for concessions. A CD will be available on the night of the concert or you may pre-order and pick you purchase up from X19. Cd's will be priced at £3.50 each or 2 for £5.00.

Developing the product

My contribution to the creation of the CD was to help promote and advertise the CD. My main contribution to the CD was to record Advanced Singers and then master the track ready to be put on the CD. I also helped on the decision making of how much the CD should be sold for. We decided on £3.50 per CD or 2 for £5. Aswell as this, I was in the team for designing the promotion board for the CD and also sold the CD before the concert and during the interval.

The amount of work that went into this project was huge, i could not have done it alone. Being part of a team is important as there were too many jobs that needed doing all at once, therfore there had to be a team to make sure there were no delays or problems.

I created an initial design for my idea for the poster and CD. In a production meeting we chose the 3 best designs, these 3 best designs got merged together for the final design. I also created a advert to promote people to buy the CD, with this I used Mixcraft to import songs which were sung at the concert and record my voice over the tracks promoting people to buy the Christmas Concert CD.

Assignment 4:

Planning the product.

Describe how the group planned the product before any work started. What was discussed?
We started the project by having a planning meeting. At this meeting we discussed the coming weeks leading up to the concert. First we discussed creating a CD for the Christmas Concert. This is what the CD looked like:

CD Design
We discussed who would record each of the extra-curricular clubs, the date that they should record and when they were to master their recording ready for the production.
We then discussed who was going to create which promotional material for the Christmas Concert CD. Here is each piece of promotional material:

CD Design

CD Advert



CD Display


At the meeting it was decided that myself and Ellie Barrington would be responsible for recording Advanced Singers, also mastering the recording and arranging dates of the recording and the mastering. I also created promotional material for the CD, Christmas Concert and the CD display.

In our first planning meeting we decided on dates for the rehearsal and recording sessions. However, the day we squeduled for our rehearsal, unfortunatley year 10 were off timetable, therefore we were unable to attend our rehearsal. This impacted the rercording because we didn't have the opportunity to plan where each bit of equiptment was to go and how to set it up correctly, being aware of hazards. To improve my recording for future references, in my own time i should have researched how to record a singing group, this would have helped me because i couldn't attend my rehearsal.


I think as a whole i have done a good job coping with my role of recording Advanced Singers. I tried my hardest to attend all meetings and contributed with all promotional material.

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